The ABC of skin care for 40-year-olds

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We usually associate forty simply with sagging skin and the appearance of (so very undesirable) wrinkles. We want to avoid them, but at the same time we do not know exactly what is happening to our body, what processes have started in it and what they result from

Therefore, it would be best if you first gain this knowledge, and then find out how you can use it in practice. Don’t wait and see what you can do to keep your skin looking young and healthy.

40 years gone by… what about your skin?

The aging process is a lifelong process, but there’s no denying that after the age of 40 it starts to happen at a much faster pace. Even if you’ve been taking good care of yourself up to this point (which is also important!), it’s time to give your complexion some serious attention. What changes are sure to occur?

It undergoes constantly repeated processes of a regenerative nature. Due to a decrease in the secretion of the female hormones progesterone and estrogen, among other things, its condition will noticeably deteriorate. It will be thinner and more prone to drying out. However, you might not notice it right away because when you’re in your 40s, these changes are still in their early stages. In most cases, a significant difference appears in a person between the ages of 45 and 50

So, your skin will gradually start to lose more and more of its healthy appearance, becoming less elastic and not as tight as it used to be. Also, mimic wrinkles, which have already appeared before, should not be a surprise, but now they will become more pronounced. As a result of skin sagging (especially in the cheeks) and a decrease in its density, you will also ‘gain’ deep wrinkles: nasolabial furrows and marionette wrinkles.

Your skin tone will also change – it will no longer be as healthy, even, or “radiant” as it was when you were younger. Hyperpigmentation and all kinds of skin spots will start to be visible on your face as well as on your neck and décolletage, so during your daily skin care routine don’t limit yourself “reflexively” to taking care of only the first of these areas.

How should you take care of your skin from now on?

First of all, avoid excessive tanning, and not only the intended one – remember that on a hot, sunny day even a few minutes walk to the store can be a challenge for your skin. Under the influence of the sun, blood vessels, especially those located on the thighs and calves, are more likely to burst.

Avoiding so-called photo-ageing is important, so make sure you thoroughly moisturize with sunscreen and drink plenty of water. Remember that we often do not feel thirsty at once, so you can drink small amounts of this drink, but often, so that the body does not feel its lack.

It is also worth getting a firming and moisturizing cream. Especially recommended is the one used at night after carefully cleansing the face with a delicate micellar fluid. The list of ingredients of these creams should include: vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Since we have already mentioned moisturizing, let’s also mention exfoliation. It will cleanse your skin of any remaining dead cells and sebum and reduce the secretion of the latter. You can either get a ready-made product at your favorite drugstore or prepare it yourself, for example from fresh strawberries.

The use of anti-wrinkle creams probably does not need to be reminded to anyone, but perhaps it is worth mentioning a little less known way to firm and improve the appearance of the skin – we are talking about facial gymnastics, or facefitness. Performed correctly and regularly it can give really noticeable effects

What does this gymnastics consist in? In the simplest way it can be described as alternate tensing and relaxing of individual facial muscles. It will help you lift your second chin, smooth out wrinkles, or lift skin that’s drooping in your cheeks. Because some of the exercises will require you to touch certain parts of your face with your fingers, they should be washed thoroughly beforehand so they don’t carry contaminants that will cause blemishes.

Also take a look at your current diet and make changes if necessary. Aside from the fairly obvious consumption of fruits and vegetables, it’s a good idea to enrich your meals with soy products and whole grains such as bran and groats. Make sure you’re getting the right amount of vitamin C, too – it boosts collagen production, which is responsible for keeping your skin looking young and healthy. Vitamin E, on the other hand, will improve the process of cell regeneration and protect you from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


Main Photo: fizkes/

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