What cosmetic procedures cannot be performed in the summer?

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The summer months are not conducive to performing certain cosmetic procedures. The obstacles are high temperatures, dry air and sunlight. So sometimes it is worth waiting a few months and performing a given procedure in autumn or winter. What treatments should be avoided in summer? You will read about it in the article below.

Laser treatments

With the help of a laser, you can treat rosacea, eliminate hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, body hair and reduce the appearance of broken capillaries. The laser’s light beam acts on the melanin in the skin, making it advisable to avoid the sun for 4 weeks after this type of treatment. Exposing the skin to the sun’s rays can result in extensive, unwanted discoloration. Laser depilation will also have a better effect if performed in autumn or winter. This is due to skin color – laser hair removal of untanned skin is more effective. 


Cryotherapy is a treatment using liquid nitrogen. Such a treatment can get rid of scars, warts and acne. Liquid nitrogen causes a lot of redness and irritation on the skin. For this reason, sunlight should be avoided after the procedure. Exposure to the sun can greatly exacerbate the resulting irritation. Moreover, the epidermis treated with dry ice (or liquid nitrogen) is very sensitive. Exposing it to UV rays can cause burning, itching or an allergic reaction. 

Exfoliating treatments

Exfoliating treatments, such as medical peels or microdermabrasion, are also inadvisable in the summer. These are designed to exfoliate dead skin. After performing such a procedure, the skin is reddened and irritated. It takes several days to fully heal. In this case, as with laser treatments, it is best not to expose the skin to direct sunlight for 4 weeks. If you don’t follow this recommendation, you should know that you are putting yourself at risk of irritation and burning. 

The group of exfoliating treatments that should be avoided in the summer also includes acid treatments. We are talking about treatments with pyruvic acid, glycolic acid, retinol and strong chemical peels. This is very important, because after the action of acids, the skin is prone to hyperpigmentation. By exposing it to UV rays, you can easily get them, and then it will be hard to get rid of them. 

How to protect your skin from the sun after treatments?

Whatever treatments you do in the summer, you must always be especially mindful of protecting your skin from the sun after them. Always apply sunscreen, preferably SPF 50. Also try to cover your body with clothes and use shaded areas as often as possible. 

main photo: unsplash.com/engin akyurt

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